The Price of the Thrice

 Sleep Paralysis, Lucid Dreaming, and Astral Projection- oh my!

On this blog, thus far we have covered the different perspectives on explanations for sleep paralysis, lucid dreaming, and astral projection. However, substantial amounts of content regarding these three unusual events are missing. There is already so much mystery in our world, from the ocean only being 5% discovered to questioning our existence, it's imperative that we acquire more knowledge- at least on what happens within us. 


Let's take a refresher on the characteristics of each concept, so that we're all on the same page, and we can start forming connections. 

Sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis is an event disrupting Rapid Eye Movement, the last stage of our sleep cycles, in which dreaming and emotions run rampant. When sleep paralysis disrupts our normal sleep, we awaken before our muscles. This may be due to the fight or flight instinct waking us up faster, but the reason our muscles are slow to match our timing is because during sleep, our muscles go into a temporarily paralysis to prevent us from physically acting out our dreams. So, during such disruption, we very normally react with fear when not being able to move. Additionally, we may experience these three things: intruder sensation, incubus factor, and an out of body experience. The intruder sensation is when we feel a presence in the room, due to hallucinations from our midbrain. Or, if you are more interested in the spiritual explanation, the sensed presence may be a sleep demon. This sleep demon, may also be an incubus type, which is where the old hag on your chest comes into play. You may feel that it's hard to breathe- whether it's due to homeostatic imbalances from the disruption with fear, or a sleep demon sitting on your chest is for you to decide. Lastly, an out of body experience may also occur. 

Lucid Dreaming 

Unlike the fear and unholy feelings that sleep paralysis can bring out, lucid dreaming is associated with positivity and reaching peace. In fact, in Buddhism, "dream yoga" is one of the best ways to attain mindfulness. Lucid dreaming is an entirely voluntary (unless you fall into it by accident) event in which you can control your dream environment, plot, characters- it's essentially your playing field. Reasons for being so extra are that you can finally have control, which is a breath of fresh air for those with wild lifestyles that can't catch a break! Lucid dreaming can help one get over their fears, build on their creativity and other skills, and simply take a break from reality. Anyone can control their dreams, some are naturals and others need to practice in order to become lucid effectively. 

Astral Projection 

Astral projection is an out of body experience; mind trip with a little more grey area as to whether it's positive or negative. Travelling the astral plane can be extremely enlightening, but nonetheless overwhelming. There are entities or overall scientific processes that we don't quite understand, as the mind and its capabilities are essentially boundless. What is known, scientifically, is that different parts of the brain fire up when an out of body experience takes place. As these regions fire up, intense imagery is able to form and we also get the floating sensation. Astral projection can be a powerful tool used for mindfulness, but it's important not to get locked into a reality that isn't ours. Life is already so complicated and complex, the usage of projection or lucidity should be for restorative purposes rather than getting twisted into another web of unknowns. 

From one dreamer to another...

You don't want sleep paralysis, should consider lucid dreaming, and should take caution with astral projection. 

Essentially, each concept is a mind game played in a different region and our buttons are pressed to test the waters. Sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming are both disruptions within the normal sleep cycle. While lucid dreaming is intentional, there is a possibility to fall into sleep paralysis- as the sleep stage for dreaming can be affected by either sleep paralysis or lucidity. Lucid dreaming and astral projection can produce out of body experiences that can be beneficial for healthy living and overall mental endurance. 

On a spiritual note, being plagued with sleep paralysis can mean a number of things, but let's blow you away with this one: you must be doing something right if you have sleep demons of all things trying to knock you down. Keep going and pray on! Lucid dreaming can be a great way to connect with yourself and your religion. Astral projection can let you see things like angel numbers, which are messages you should pay attention to as spiritual guardians try to communicate. 

Quick points!

Sleep paralysis is not lucid dreaming. 

You do not need to have sleep paralysis to lucid dream. Check out my guide to lucid dreaming post!

A failed attempt at lucid dreaming MIGHT land you into an episode of sleep paralysis.

There are ways to combat sleep paralysis, check out my survival kit post! 

Lucid dreaming might disrupt your sleep and make you feel tired for a while, as it quite literally changes sleeping patterns and has you exert more brain power. 

Extra brain power in lucid dreaming can actually benefit neurogenesis, but again don't overwork yourself. 

The sights in astral projection may be different for you than for someone else, and there may be frightening or overwhelming hallucinations. 

Each event is to be taken with caution. 

Sleep well & dream on!  


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