Be heard!

Email your wildest, scariest, or weirdest dreams!

Your dreams can be showcased on this blog, and if you request, I will offer my free service of sharing my own interpretations of your dream! While I am no expert, I have had a lot of experience learning about dreams, symbolism, biology, and psychology- all factors that can help me give you answers. Plus, anyone in the comment section can share their wisdom too. 

The goal for this free service is simply to offer a personalized win-win! I win by learning about more experiences happening within your own dream-space, and you win by getting answers to your wacky dreams. Plus, something really exciting, is that you become more than my amazing readers, but people I can connect my passion with! 

Your submissions will always be anonymous unless you say otherwise. Confidentiality is very significant to me, and I try to practice it in every opportunity. 

While this blog is for informative and entertainment purposes, I am passionate about helping others in any way possible. This is a safe place for you!

Keep learning, communicate, and be well! 


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