Astral Projection

I'm sure you've heard of lucid dreaming- but astral projection is on a whole other playing field...literally!

So, astral projection is known as an out-of-body experience which, like sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming, is a creation of our minds. This OBE separates our "astral body" from our physical body, in which our mind assumes a greater level of consciousness or existence. 

Thus far, there are SEVEN levels of existence:

  • material plane ← where we are!! 
  • plane of forces
  • astral plane
    Out-of-Body Experiences: Into the Astral? | Psychology Today
    Our Seven Bodies: Theosophy
  • mental plane
  • plane for desire and improvement
  • organic plane
  • inorganic plane
The concept of these dimensional planes explains that everything we know, including us, is made of energy. Therefore, our energies are able to transmit different frequencies- and certain frequencies may connect us to the different planes. Now, stay with me; before the skeptics leave the post, this phenomena is actually backed by science and numerous experiences. 

Our vestibular system, a sensory system within our inner ears, is responsible for tracking our location in space. Neuroscientists have found that people suffering from inner ear problems have a predisposition to out of body experiences. They explain that this is because the vestibular system disrupts its communication to our brain and visual senses. 

There are more factors that are yet to be having a contribution to OBE's since there are fairly healthy people experiencing it too, but what we know so far is a good start to understanding more of our brain's capabilities. 

From my post on the biology behind sleep paralysis, we know that the amygdala plays a role in our dream states by its heavy activity enacting a "fight or flight" response, which also seems to be a purpose for out of body experiences. Other parts of our brain active during this desire for higher levels of consciousness include more left-brain oriented activity and a combination of visualization and kinesthetic imagery; awareness of the dream state. 


There are several benefits accompanying astral projection, such as opening up to yourself spiritually and emotionally! Astral projection allows for dissociation as well which can help reduce stress or general anxiety- which has been used by some athletes before a big game. Additionally, it's been reported that astral project improves memory and overall awareness, which biologically makes sense since our right temporal lobe have been activated by religious or near death experiences


Astral projection may not be something you can try overnight, but if you do pursue it, it's probable that you may feel mental drainage from trying. Remember that proper sleep is necessary for full function, and brain reparations. Don't let astral projection get in the way of your sleep, your reality, or other priorities. 


The main methods to achieve projection revolve around meditation and full relaxation. This means breathing exercises, zero disruptions, and your brain power. 

Comment down below what you think, and your experiences. Stay healthy!


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