Coronasomnia and Dreaming

If you have been having especially odd dreams lately, no need to freak out. COVID-19 has presented a multitude of issues attacking physical and mental health, but even worse is that it's attacked our sleep. 

Sleep is more important than you may think, and we need to stop using the quote "sleep is for the weak" because it quite literally makes us stronger. The time we spend sleeping is probably one of the most active times for our brain activity, as it works strenuously to process ALL the information we absorbed earlier that day, as well as storing such information in long term memory, and our body prioritizes repair. Sleep deprivation, and sleep disorders in general, are toxic to us as our immune system, growth, and cognition fall below normal function. 

With this being said, COVID-19 has fallen into a vicious, toxic cycle with sleeping, and some neurologists have begun to call this the era of Coronasomnia. Let's break this down, shall we?

Coronavirus has become a pandemic and caused many fatalities, mostly in the older generations and those with predispositions to illnesses, but young adults have also been affected- and such effects may follow into their long term living. COVID-19 attacks respiratory and immune systems, causing breathing issues and high fatigue. 

Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which it is difficult falling or staying asleep, and is one of the most common sleep disorders. Many factors contribute to sleep troubles: poor habits, substance abuse, medications, and more. 

This COVID-19 era has given many people the opportunity to sleep in, which has encouraged more to sleep later than usual since the morning hassle is no longer an issue. Due to this, many people are completely throwing off their circadian rhythms in which our perception between day and night is irregular. Recent studies have shown that disrupted sleep since COVID19 onset is prevalent. 

Such disruptions have included weird dreams. Dreaming is also important to us because it preserves neural pathways and develops cognition. The answer to why weird dreams are being experienced now, goes back to the fact that we are sleeping longer/ our sleep patterns have been interrupted. Now, we are simply remembering dreams for a longer period of time than usual because we actually HAVE time. Another explanation is change in lifestyle. Sedentary lifestyles are taking a toll on sleep (which is why you're tired after a day of nothingness) and extremely active ones are leading to hyperactivity when you should be sleeping. 

So no, you aren't necessarily going crazy, your mind is just trying to find itself again. Humans are adaptable creatures, and we all know that social animals are another designated given. The lack of social encounters, changes in lifestyle, stress, and more along with COVID-19 have contributed to what is being called "Coronasomnia"

From one empathetic human to another, please wear your mask, and stay safe. 


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