The taker; Dream Interpreted

 Here we have a dream submission with a lot of symbolism! Let's dive in: 

Dream time!

"The dream started with me in a building, following my S/O outside. He pulled out a cigarette to smoke (habit) and then I saw it. A large animal was racing towards him, but he wouldn't move when I tried to warn him. The animal ended up tackling him and they both fought each other. 

I managed to grab the animal and throw it off of my husband, the animal hit the fence and left. My husband was disoriented and very tired, and I was fine but very worried. Once we were both okay, I woke up" 

Interpretation time!

What a weird dream, let's dissect it and put it back together. 

You mention that your husband's smoking is a habit. I feel that if that habit has the power to translate into your dream, that you have probably been thinking about it, especially recently (maybe even the evening of your dream). 

Your husband doesn't move when you try to warn him about the large creature coming towards y'all. This seems to also translate to real life- maybe he doesn't really listen to you, even when it matters. However, while he allows the obstacle to conflict him, he eventually turns up fine...with YOUR help.

You manage to defeat this animal despite its power and overall fear-inducing manner. This tells me that you're probably the stronghold in your relationship. You may have more mental/emotional strength compared to your husband, and in the end, you're the glue that keeps him together if he ever falls apart or faces conflict. Evidence of this, other than you being able to defeat the creature, is that you don't wake up until you know both of you are safe and sound. Usually, before an obstacle in a dream happens (like a beast about to harm) you wake up before any damage is done. You, however, woke up after the creature was dealt with. 

Wrap up!

Here we go with the many maybes your dream may mean (whata tongue twister!) 
Maybe you went to sleep upset, maybe you were thinking about the bad habit smoking has on your husband, maybe an action scene from a movie resonated in your sleep. Which ever, if any, that is- your dream shows you and your husband's contrasting characteristics. You had hindsight, in that you saw the creature coming from far away and you ACTED by trying to warn your husband. On top of that, you were able to handle the creature AND provide support. Your S/O, on the other hand, was too busy in his own world. Maybe that's what pulling out the cigarette means; most people seem to smoke as a stress reliever, which could have debilitated your husband's realization of trouble coming. 

In all, the creature can really just represent any issue that arises within your family, and your dream depicts that you seem to handle it better. 

There are many explanations and a whole lot of maybes. This could've been just another wild dream, or your mind is trying to show you what's what. 

From one dreamer to another, sleep well and in peace! 


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