A Killer Dream Interpreted

"Hey dreamer!

I just had this crazy dream yesterday while I was napping. Any chance you can help me understand what on earth it was about?

I was hanging out with one of my close friends (let's call him E), his girlfriend (who I haven't met in real life yet), and some of our mutual friends to go see a movie. E picked me up and I sat next to his gf in the car and we became quick friends.

At the movie his gf finds out me and E used to date a few years ago and she gets very upset because apparently he hadn't told her. She's pissed off, it's very awkward. 

After the movie, we go to a store in town and this lady I used to know that works in the library and was my friend when I was younger is working as the cashier. It's been years since I've seen her so we hug and catch up. 

Here's where things get crazy. 
She ended up getting shot in front of me as I was leaving the store. At the moment I didn't manage to see exactly what happened and at first thought she had shot herself until she dropped and I saw the guy holding the gun. He runs and I immediately go back in the store to call 911, but see that E is already calling.

Once the cops arrive, I'm kinda in shock. The now dead lady had expressed while we talked that she was depressed and starting to get better and I had internally told myself I'd be there for her. And now she's dead.

I just walked outside in shock until I stumbled upon E and the rest of our group and ask for a ride home. His gf is also in a state of shock like I am and doesn't protest. 
I expressed feeling like i could have done something and they told me she was depressed and probably would have killed herself anyways eventually. They managed to see who killed her while in the store and then i remembered seeing him in the store as well.

We were all shocked cause we knew him. (Let's call him J). 

E drops me off at my house. I get home and notice something is weird and walk in to see J is there- and he's pissed that we called the police earlier at the store. He still has the gun and I'm really freaking scared. I try calming him down and eventually he starts yelling or something and I manage to distract him and run outside. I see my neighbors front door is cracked open a bit so I immediately go in that direction thinking I can get some help.

J is chasing me
He fires the gun at me and I just run faster.
I manage to get in the house, but don't have a chance to close the door and and dash towards the kitchen where I see these two kids. (Interestingly enough although I know the neighbors who live in this house in real life very well, in my dream this other family lives there and not my irl neighbors)
The kids say their parents stepped out for a bit and I come to the awful realization that I've just led some crazy guy to this house with KIDS and I'm internally cussing myself out for putting innocent kids in danger.

So I get the kids and tell them to not leave the kitchen no matter what happens and I go back to the living room of the house and confront J. He's yelling at me and he has the gun pointed at me and I'm panicking cause i think I'm gonna die and then the CHILDREN LEAVE THE KITCHEN TO SEE WHATS GOING ON. (I should mention they're maybe 8 years old? A girl and a boy)

The sudden sound of new people entering the room makes J point the gun at them so I instantly get between him and the kids as he realizes they're, you know KIDS. While he's kinda staring at them in shock, I back up and kinda move me and the kids to the side with them behind me. I decide I'm not watching anyone else die and plan to protect these kids for as long as I can. 

J starts freaking out about the kids being there and starts talking to himself about how he can't kill kids and oh gosh he already killed the lady at the store. I use this chance to guilt him into leaving and when I tell him it's his fault he leaves out the back. I go to call the police but the kids say they already called 911 and they had told them they'd be there in five minutes, so the police arrive shortly after (I hear the sirens). The front door opens (J had closed it previously), and the kids' parents walk in holding groceries, followed by the cops. The parents are very concerned as to why I'm in their house and why the police are there, their house is more of a mess than it was when I entered, and I start telling the cops what happened. 

The police of after J and some cleaners come to clean up the mess. My parents arrive as well and my dad tells me that my attempt at guilting/ antagonizing J into leaving was stupid and I could have made the situation worse. I disagree with him and walk back to the kids, but see red on the floor and stop. That's when I notice there's blood on the carpet but am confused as to where it came from. It's at this moment that I realize the blood is mine, I was shot earlier and hadn't noticed. 

And that's the last thing I remember before I woke up."

Interpretation time! 

What a dream! Alright, let's dissect each piece. 

So, the first bit with E and the girlfriend sounds like a premonition dream, or at least how you perceive things may go in that situation. You haven't met her yet, but you dreamed of meeting her and got along! This tells me that you've been looking forward to meeting her and radiate positive energy towards that relationship. Maybe the awkward moment happening afterward is something that you've been thinking about. By the way you handled your dream, I feel that you're a very logical and analytical person. You could have analyzed that possibility for awkwardness and the thought came to life during your nap.

Next part: you catching up with an old friend and then watching them get shot. Two theories, either that person wasn't doing well in real life and you sensed it (it happens), or this is geared towards your introspection.

First theory can connect well because she sounds like one of your primary role-models to your younger self and she happened to follow you into this dream to tell you she's doing better. You telling her you're there for her further establishes the strong connection you two share and shows your gratitude for her role in your life (even if it was small). 

Second theory, by introspection I mean self reflection in that you recognize a habit or part of your younger life that maybe wasn't the best but has since recovered. You're doing better, and the gunshot can either be an end to that dark period or a concern you have in this point of time regarding your mental health or progress. 
Your friend group reassuring you can mean that you have a good support group IRL and that you may have really needed that comfort. 

What a plot twist with knowing the shooter! Again, there are many different theories to each piece of this wild dream, bear with me. A person you know shooting at you sounds like a straight up enemy, or at least someone that isn't too trusting. Maybe a part of you is afraid of J, maybe J resents you for something, maybe J is threatening an insecurity or something about you that is vulnerable (hence the children being in the dream). 

Your dad seemed more critical than comforting. Maybe he's hard on you and that translated into your dream, or your dad is actually your most logical thinking process (going with the old friend being your past self, the children being a vulnerability). 

You getting shot and not realizing it sounds like in real life you have the tendency to put others before you, and you don't take a look at yourself until everyone is safe. 

Wrap up

Your dream was wild and there are many maybe's as to what it could all mean. If we combine all the pieces, either you had some crazy premonitions regarding people you know: an old friend in recovery, your guy friend and his gf madness, J being someone with maybe a red flag. Or it all combines into your own little world: saying goodbye to the past and embracing the present, although there are some bumps in the road. 

Thank you very much for sharing and for allowing me to pick at the dream myself. From one dreamer to another, sleep well and in peace! 


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